Today is a day where I really feel like I need to get away. I know people say not to regret...but I really regret not moving to California when I was 18. The opportunity was right there and I didn't take it. Kentucky isn't for me. Never was. I always hated it here. I lived in a smaller city before moving to Lexington, KY. I love the fact that Lexington feels like a city. I love cities, but now I'm in need of a bigger one. Why God put me in Kentucky, I don't know. My heart yearns for the west coast. Always has.
I love that Los Angeles has the best of both worlds. A city feel and a beach close by. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach. It's my serenity, my sanctuary, my happy place. It helps me think, helps me appreciate, helps open my eyes to possibilities. I love sunrises and sunsets on the beach. It's the most beautiful thing on the planet.
I'm stuck where I'm at now. And as long as I live here, Ill continue to feel this way.
I've got to move. I've got to...
Happy Blogging? 8-/
Dreams Do Come True With A Little Help From You!
Aww, sorry you don't like where you live. I live in Southern California and it is a great place to live. I hope you get your chance to live here or come visit:-)
Thanks. Even if I don't actually get to move...I'd be okay with visiting often. I just need a break from Kentucky. My dream of all dreams is to have the financial freedom to travel where ever I want when ever I want. Trying to make that happen.